FLV player with your style

By Vnxone
I hum this guide på children (those who do not know what I write about here-of course, including the new view!) On how to play a video file format flv online on the web. The advantage of this is you do need to set the flv player that just playing with the browser is flash is satisfied. Indeed they are chả What subliminal do in this, that even as childish also. Search key is where it is? Only, then talk to hear how Lean has a few steps this way, takes about 2 minutes is complete: Minute 1: Download flv player on the http://www.box.net/shared/fijmzrie3h
Takes about 10s is negligent? Sitting reading a few more later in the 50s left [emot] cool [/ emot] 2 minutes: In the cPanel hosting by then straight up to where this is appropriate as you, unpacking the host always. More stars. Well done but the stars are stars! Now every record that the first code to the media every post messages.
Will appear as follows:
You note changes the parameters have to stick http://iteden।plus.vn if you want to personalize the flv's play! Note in that image =... this is wallpaper for flv player and logo =... logo will be displayed to the right of the play this flv. You should do this logo Guardar home! Some things such as height and width you change your way (width to height đấy that!) If you want you can download this file for the seat have showdownload parameter is true, if ko is false only. Is the color code, if you want to change can change the colors in (refer to table color code: [url =http://iteden.plus.vn/demo/mamau.html] HERE [/url]) To change you need pay attention is to change the 6 characters of the last paragraph. Too hard to understand. For example to: (color ...) backcolor=0x[color=#FF0000]000000[/color] You just change the 6 characters ensue this is similar frontcolor =0x[color=#FF0000 ]FFFFFF[/color]; lightcolor=0xc[color=#FF0000]9c9c9[/color]; screencolor=0x [color=#FF0000]000000[/color] Well done that! You are really enjoying the results labor 2 minutes of your avatar right? Wonders if anything, please post your questions now nhé! [V] is ready to help if you know the answer for you! Wishing you happy with your creation![color=#00008B][b]PLEASE CLICK PAGE 2 TO VIEW THIS ENTRY IN VIETNAMESE[/b][/color] ह्त्त्प://ओ१लिवे.com

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